Dynamic Class Reloading PRO

We can use a ClassLoader object to dynamically load a class into the execution of our code. Trying to load the very same class one more time won’t reload it unless we do it using a new ClassLoader object. We can use this technique for reloading a new modified class during the execution of our code. In order […]

Accessing Private Members using Java Reflection PRO

Using the Java Reflection API we can access private members from outside the scope of the class they belong to. When the private member is a field we can even change its value and when the private member is a method we can even indirectly invoke it. The AcceesibleObject class is the base class for […]

The Android Internals PRO

The main programming language for Android applications development is Java. As of Android SDK 1.5 the possibility to develop native code in C\C++ exists as well. The integration between the Java part and the native one is accomplished using JNI. I have recently chose to explore these possibilities and summarize my findings in a dedicated course available for free […]

The Android NDK PRO

The Android NDK complements the Android SDK and allows us to embed native machine code compiled from C\C++ into our application APK file. The Dalvik VM allows our Java code to use JNI in order to call native methods that were implemented in C\C++ as part of the native machine code the APK file includes. The Android […]

PHP Zend Framework Code Sample PRO

The learning curve of the PHP Zend Framework isn’t friendly. Based on my experience so far lecturing Zend Framework courses I believe starting with a simple code sample can be very useful. The following video clip explains how to run the sample application I have just developed.

Use Visual Studio 2010 to Develop PHP Applications INFO

Jcs.Software has developed the Vs.PHP IDE based on the well known visual Studio. You can get a free trial version for 30 days. The price of the full commercial version is $100. This IDE can be integrated either with the IIS7 or with an external one such as the apache web server.

Java Security Fundamentals INFO

I am glad to announce about “Java Security Fundamentals” new course available for free at www.abelski.com. This course covers the Java fundamental features that turn it into a secure software programming language. Through this course you will become familiar with the possibilities you have to turn your code into a more secure one. Among the […]

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