Dependency Injection PRO

Dependency Injection is a fancy word for a very simple design pattern that decouples highly dependent components. The traditional approach for coupling the objects with each other was to hard code the dependency. public interface IEngine {  … } public class DieselEngine implements IEngine {  … } public interface ICar {  … } public class […]

Introduction to SQL Server 2008 PRO

I have recently completed the development of a new fundamental course about SQL Server 2008. If you are doing your first steps this is the course you want to take. You will learn the basic SQL commands and you will learn how to execute them when using the SQL Server 2008. The course is available […]

Android Hybrid Applications PRO

Developing applications for mobile telephones we phase three options. We can develop a native application using Objective-C (iPhone), C# (WP7) or Java (Android), we can develop a web application that fits all mobile telephones platforms and we can develop an hybrid one. Developing an hybrid application for mobile telephones involves with developing a native application […]

Closures in Scala PRO

Closures isn’t a simple topic. Trying to assist others with understanding this topic I chose to create a short video clip. I will be very glad to get feedback and suggestions. The video clip was developed as part of the Scala Fundamentals course. You can find this course available for free personal and academic usage […]

Introduction to HTML 5 INFO

I have recently completed to develop an introduction course for HTML 5. It covers HTML 5 important parts. The professional commercial version is available at The community free version is available at Taking this course you will learn how to use HTML 5 new tags and how to use its new JavaScript APIs. […]

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