HTML5. The Open Web Platform. PRO

What is HTML5? When browsing at you will find the following definition for HTML5: ” People use the term HTML5 in two ways: 1. to refer to a set of technologies that together form the future Open Web Platform. These technologies include HTML5 specification, CSS3, SVG, MathML, Geolocation, XmlHttpRequest, Context 2D, Web Fonts (WOFF) […]

PHP Mobile Applications HIT May 2013 INFO

On June 19th I will start to deliver a detailed professional course for cross platform web and mobile applications development. The course focuses on PHP for the server side and on JavaScript for the client side. The course includes 220 academic hours and it takes place in HIT. You can find detailed information about this […]

Scala Programming Course in Shenkar ACD

During 2013 spring semester I will deliver in Shenkar the Java Programming course. Its first part focuses in Java. Its second part focuses in Scala. The highlight is Scala. You can find the detailed syllabus at You can find the google group we are going to use during this course at!forum/shenkar-java-scala-2013-03. You can find the […]

OOP Analysis & Design Course in Shenkar ACD

During spring 2013 I will deliver the Object Oriented Analysis & Design course in Shenkar college of Engineering & Design. This course is delivered as part of Shenkar academic program for B.Sc. in software engineering. Yaeli Rushniek Tavor assists with the delivery of this course. You can find the syllabus at You can find the google […]

Astah UML Tool. My Academic Selection. ACD

During spring 2013 I deliver the OOP Analysis & Design course in Shenkar Academic College. This course is delivered as part of Shenkar’s Software Engineering B.Sc. Academic Program. The course starts with covering the main UML diagrams, continues with a deep coverage for the classic design patterns in object oriented programming and concludes with advance […]

Shenkar Programming Languages March 2013 ACD

During 2013 spring semester I will deliver the Programming Languages academic course in Shenkar. This course belongs to Shenkar’s BSc Academic Program in Software Engineering. You can find the google group of this course at You can find the detailed plan at

The Israeli Guide to Python INFO

I have recently started to work on writing a short practical guide that teaches Python. The guide includes texts and video clips. The texts were written in Hebrew. The video clips were taken in Hebre as well. You can find it at

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