HIT PHP Web Applications March 2011 PRO

In march 2011 I will start to deliver a professional course for developing social web applications in PHP. I deliver this course through the external studies unit of HIT.

The programming language selected for the server side is PHP. Most of the course focuses on PHP. The rest of the hours are allocated for complementary technologies and especially the ones that reside in the client side (web browser) including HTML5, jQueryMobile, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and others.

During the course the students will practice their knowledge in three different ways. Small assignments that aim at acquiring the required programming skills, small practical projects that aim at acquiring the practical experience and a final practical project.

The main topics we are going to cover in this course are:

In addition, we will aim practicing the acquired skills in social related projects, such as facebook applications, mobile telephones hybrid applications, web browsers plugins and applications that interact using REStful web services with various social networks.

Our coverage for the facebook platform will be carried within the scope of the hours that are allocated for each one of the topics and will include a coverage for Facebook Graph API, Facebook JavaScript SDK and a coverage for the Facebook PHP SDK.

The course started on March 4th and it includes 35 weekly meetings of 4 academic hours each (0800-1100 in the morning). In total, the course includes 140 academic hours.

You can find the course facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=119197974779284.

During the course the students will get access to all of the training material (soft copy) at hit.abelski.com.

The official syllabus can be found at http://www.lifemichael.com/hit/hit_php_2010_11.pdf.

During the course the students will use a realworld server connected to the web in order to allow them a true practical experience.

The course google group is available at http://groups.google.com/group/hit-php-mar-2010.

The course detailed plan is available at https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1vmFteLAyWTDu8UQpjjRYTt4dzjuyRnDYVOn2SeSKpEU.

During the course we will present the students small projects as well as their final ones in a dedicated web site we plan to set at http://hit.xperato.com.


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