Android Course

Android Core Pix

The Android Fundamentals was developed in 2009. Ever since its first version was released I continuously maintain it by adding more topics and updating the ones that already exist. If you are interested in learning how to develop native applications for the Android platform then I recommend you to consider joining my Android Java Applications […]

Android 4.4 Professional Course September 2014

On Tuesday September 2nd I will start to deliver a professional course for learning how to develop native applications in Java for the android platform. The course includes 140 academic hours, it takes place in HIT, its cost is 5800 shekels and it splits into three parts. The first part covers the topics in Java […]

Linting in JavaScript PRO

Linting is the process of running a program that goes over our code and performs static checking looking for potential errors and bad coding. There are many available linting tools for JavaScript. Some of them are available for online usage, others are available either as plugins we install into our development environment or as stand […]

PHP Mobile Applications HIT May 2013 INFO

On June 19th I will start to deliver a detailed professional course for cross platform web and mobile applications development. The course focuses on PHP for the server side and on JavaScript for the client side. The course includes 220 academic hours and it takes place in HIT. You can find detailed information about this […]

Learning Android Java Applications Development PRO

Using HTML5 and other web technologies when developing an application for the android platform simplifies the development process and helps us cooping with the well known android platform fragmentation problem. I chose to write this post in order to point at those cases in which we cannot avoid using Java in our application development for […]

PHP Mobile Applications HIT December 2012 INFO

On December 11th I started to deliver a detailed professional course for cross platform web and mobile applications development. The course focuses on PHP for the server side and focus on JavaScript for the client side. The course includes 220 academic hours and it takes place in HIT. You can find detailed information about this […]

MTA Android Course Final Project PRO

During Summer 2012 semester I delivered in Tel-Aviv Yaffo Academic College a course for android hybrid applications development. By the end of that course, the students developed an hybrid application for the android platform. The hybrid applications included a server side developed in PHP that worked with MySQL and a client side developed mainly using […]

Android Crash Course in Technion INFO

During august – september 2012 I delivered an academic course for android applications development together with Dr. Amnon Dekel. The course took place in the Electric Engineering faculty in the Technion. The course focused on android applications development in Java and it included 28 academic hours. In order to assist with the delivery of the course […]

MTA Android Hybrid Applications Students Projects INFO

During summer 2011 I taught in Tel-Aviv Jaffa Academic college a course about hybrid applications development for android devices. During the course my students learned how to exploit today newest web technologies in the development of hybrid application for android. We covered JavaScript libraries, such as jQueryMobile and SenchaTouch that enable you to develop user […]

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