Record Classes in Java

image of woman and database

Learn how to define record classes in Java, and when to use record classes in your code. Stay up to date with the new Java features.

Learning Programming in Small Classes

When teaching more than 14 students in the class it is nearly impossible to maintain eye contact with each and every student. When losing that eye contact it is nearly impossible to sens the students. Many of today students don’t feel comfortable asking basic questions and as a result of that, they are left behind. […]

Data Classes in Python

As of Python 3.7, we will be able to mark the class we define with the @dataclass decorator. Doing so, the newly defined class will be a data class (similarly to Data Class in Kotlin). As with Kotlin, the main outcome of having our class defined as a data class is having auto-generated methods, such as […]

Functions and Anonymous Classes in Scala PRO

When calling a function we indirectly invoke the apply method on the object that represents the function. We can use the anonymous inner class syntax for defining a new anonymous inner class that extends the Function relevant trait in order to create a new function. The following code sample shows that. object HelloSample { def […]

Classes & Objects in C++ PRO

I have just completed to develop the fourth topic in my ongoing course for learning C++. This topic explains how to create classes and how to use them. Click here to download the slides of this topic. You can find the community version of this on going course available at The following video clips […]

Define Classes in Scala PRO

I have recently created three video clips that explain fundamental topics related to defining classes in Scala. These clips were created as part of the ‘Scala Fundamentals’ course, available for free personal and academic usage at

GUI Construction with Java Foundation Classes INFO

During the last week I took part in a course delivered by Mike Morris who came to Israel specifically for the purpose of delivering this course. Mike Morris was a very kind lecturer and even though the course was delivered in English the material was very clear and the training was highly effective. You can find a copy […]

The Visitor Design Pattern

The Visitor Design Pattern

The visitor design pattern allows us to add operations to objects that already exist without modifying their classes and without extending them.

Learning Object Oriented Programming

Learning object-oriented programming is not simple. It might take years of experience until a programmer gets an in-depth understanding of this programming paradigm. Even when taking a course that is fully dedicated for this topic, the need in the practical experience of a few years (at the minimum) still exists. Sometimes even that doesn’t help. […]


TypeScript Logo

TypeScript is an open source programming language developed by Microsoft. The code we write in TypeScript is transpiled into JavaScript. We can configure the TypeScript transpiler to transpile our code into JavaScript compatible with ES3, ES4, ES5 or ES6. Although most people might think that given the possibility to define classes in ES6 there is […]

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