OpenLayers Dynamic Maps PRO

The OpenLayers open source project allows us to add dynamic maps into our web pages. Using this library we can avoid the use of Google Maps. The following code sample shows how simple it is to use OpenLayers together with data retrieved from <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <title>openlayers simple demo</title> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” […]

C# Dynamic Typing PRO

As of C# 4.0 we can define a variable using the dynamic keyword. Doing so, the exact type of the variable will be set during the execution of our code in according with the type of value we assign. The following video clip explains this capability. I have just completed to update my C# Fundamentals […]

Dynamic Functions in C# PRO

The C# programming language allows us to write code that creates new methods during its execution. These methods are known as dynamic functions, and once created we can use delegates to treat them just as any other ordinary function. The following video clip explains how to use the System.Reflection.Emit classes in order to create a new simple […]

Dynamic Class Reloading PRO

We can use a ClassLoader object to dynamically load a class into the execution of our code. Trying to load the very same class one more time won’t reload it unless we do it using a new ClassLoader object. We can use this technique for reloading a new modified class during the execution of our code. In order […]

The Visitor Design Pattern

The Visitor Design Pattern

The visitor design pattern allows us to add operations to objects that already exist without modifying their classes and without extending them.

PHP 5.6 New Features

PHP 5.6 was released on August 28th 2014. This post overviews the main new features this new version introduces. Arguments Unpacking We can use the ‘…’ operator for passing over an array of values to a function we call and have the array values unpacked and assigned into the function parameters. The following code sample […]

Google Web Font Loader Jump Start PRO

Google Web Fonts Loader is a JavaScript library developed by Google that allows you to dynamically load any of the free web fonts developed by Google. Using the Google Web Fonts Loader library we can use multiple different web font providers. The documentation and source code of the Web Font Loader JavaScript library is available as […]

LESS.js Jump Start PRO

The LESS.js JavaScript library allows us to extend our CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. The following code sample shows how simple it is to create new variables assigned with values so that we could reuse them in our code. The following is the LESS code. @myblue: #4C65BC; .stuff {color:@myblue} The […]

Google WebFonts Jump Start PRO

Google WebFonts API provides us with hundreds of open source fonts we can use in our web page. We can easily search through the web fonts collection and select the ones we want to use. The following code sample shows how simple it is to use these fonts in our web page by adding a […]

Adapt.js Jump Start PRO

Adapt.js is a simple tiny JavaScript library that allows you to develop web pages that automatically adjust themselves to the web browser screen size. The Adapt.js library dynamically checks the width of the web browser and serves the CSS file for that width. The following video shows how simple it is to use this library […]

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