Debugging PHP Web Application using Zend Studio

Zend Studio makes things very simple when it comes to debugging web applications that were developed in PHP. The following code sample include two files. The first presents a simple form to the user that allows him to enter the width and the height of a specific rectangle. <form method=”get” action=”index.php”> width: <input type=”text” name=”width”> […]

PHP Profiling using Zend Studio PRO

Zend Studio allows us to profile the code we write in PHP using an easy to use profiler it already includes. The following video clip shows how simple it is.

The Zend Framework Zend_Locale Component PRO

Using the Zend_Locale component we can represent different locales. Each locale is a combination of a language and a country. Usually we will set the default locale of our application during the execution of our bootstrap file. Zend_Locale::setDefault(‘he_IL’); There are various possible ways for using the Zend_Locale. The following code sample creates new Zend_Locale objects […]

The Zend Framework Zend_Debug Component PRO

We can use the Zend_Dubug component for dumping back to the web browser screen the values of expressions in our code. $a = 23; $b = 12; $sum = $a + $b; Zend_Debug::dump(“a=”.$a); Zend_Debug::dump(“b=”.$b); Zend_Debug::dump(“sum=”.$sum); The following video clip shows a code sample for using the Zend_Debug component.

The Zend Framework Zend_Log Component PRO

Using the Zend_Log component we can easily write log messages tracking the execution of our code. We can write these messages to various destinations, such as a plain text file or a database. //writting log message $logger = new Zend_Log(); $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(‘zfapp.log’); $logger->addWriter($writer); // attaching formatter to the writer $format = ‘%timestamp%: %priorityName%: […]

Zend_Db_Table Simple Demo PRO

Using the Zend_Db_Table class, which is part of the Zend Framework, we can easily access a specific table in our database. The following code sample shows how simple it is to add a new row using this class. The following code includes our definition for the users controller. <?php require_once ROOT_DIR.’/models/Users.php’; class UsersController extends Zend_Controller_Action […]

Simple Zend_Form Demo PRO

I have recently created a simple demo for using the Zend_Form. In order to keep it simple I chose to avoid using decorators. You can download the files and place them on your own server. The demo provides us with a simple BMI calculator. The user get to see a simple form where he should enter […]

Simple Zend Framework Jump Start PRO

I have recently created a simple demo for using the PHP Zend Framework. The simple demo was prepared in order to assist my students doing their first steps using this framework. The demo includes few controllers and it basically shows a list of books and a list of reviews for each one of them. In […]

Zend PHP Cloud Solution INFO

Zend Technologies has recently announced about PHPCloud, its cloud solution for PHP development. It is currently still in its beta phase. The following video clip created by Kevin Schroeder shows the first steps.

My PHP Zend Certified Engineer Certification INFO

I believe that taking the relevant professional certification sharps your knowledge and takes your understanding to an higher level. I have recently received the hard copy of my PHP Zend Certified Engineer certification.

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